News and updates from Eve Simon Creative


Featured on Website Success Academy podcast

Eve was lucky enough to be on Chrissy Rey’s Website Success Academy podcast to talk about what DIYers need to know from a website design, user experience and story perspective. Oh! And they had so much to talk about, they filled two episodes of important information.

Listen to part one now! Part two coming soon.


Our podcast GenX Stories, is in Fast Company

In addition to her day job as the founder and chier creative at Eve Simon Creative, Eve host’s and executive produces an award-winning podcast called GenX Stories all about how the lost generation found itself. Ironically, one of our goals was to celebrate everyday Gen Xers who weren’t being written about in places like Fast Company. So imagine Eve’s surprise when three months ago she was approached by a writer for Fast Company who wanted to tell our generation’s story!

Check out the article entitled “Stuck between boomers and millennials, Gen X keeps rolling with the punches” which quotes Eve, the creator, host & executive producer of GenX Stories.


Let Your Content Lead Your Website Redesign

Inspired by HGTV's No Demo Reno, Jen Boland (of Boland Solutions and Satisfyly) and I have crafted tailored, data-driven content design solutions. Our No Demo Redesign services enhance your content's readability, discoverability, and persuasiveness with minimal coding/development.

Ready to stand out online? Contact us now to elevate your website without taking it down to the studs!


A very personal award-winning podcast episode

I am thrilled to share that a special and very personal episode of our GenX Stories podcast just won a 2023 W3 award for a single episode, “Losing a parent as a GenXer.”

Back in February, co host Courtney and I recorded this emotional and largely unedited episode, 14 months following the loss of her mother and five months after my father‘s death. Nothing makes grief any better, but talking about losing a parent and sharing what it meant to us as Gen Xers was far more healing than either of us had imagined. Thanks to everyone for your support and letting us be authentic and honest about how this has all felt. Daddy would have been so proud. Listen to the episode now.


We won an award!

The GenX Stories podcast, produced and hosted by Eve Simon Creative, just won a 2022 Best in Show W3 Award in the podcast category. For a teeny show run by four 50+ friends (and first time podcasters, not a podcast network), this is a huge honor. Thanks to our supporters & listeners and my beloved co-hosts - Courtney, Lori And Chris - who somehow agreed to go along with this crazy thing.

Let’s Work Together

Get in touch today to share your project or ideas.